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A Crowd gathers for CSI Natural at the 3rd Annual Edgewater Business Expo. Photo of the CSI Natural Booth#25 at Edgewater Business Expo.

CSI Natural Compost, Mulch & TopSoil was present at the 3rd Annual Edgewater Business Expo...

CSI Natural Compost, Mulch & TopSoil made a strong showing at the Edgewater Business Expo this year (2012). Last year at the Parktown Business Expo the attendance was great but this year the attendance was astounding and the weather treated everyone relatively well, that is until the end of the day... Now, a little water falling from the sky never hurt anyone and when it did finally decide to rain, all of the plants were much happier!

In short, CSI Natural collects and processes locally generated green debris during which time the debris changes forms and eventually ends-up as 100% sustainable landscaping and gardening alternatives, taking the form(s) of soil amendment, compost, mulch and top soil. CSI Natural believes it's silly to spend excessive amounts of money on gardening and landscaping materials produced outside of Volusia County. And let's not forget, everything has to be trucked to Volusia County which costs even more money at the register... The reality is simple, why pay more when you don't have to?

The day started at 5:30am for CSI Natural and set-up was set for 7:00am. The four man team rallied early and quickly set-up the tent then promptly unfolded the tables and chairs. Next, they unloaded many varieties of locally grown, organic vegetables, grown by a local organic gardener and displayed ONLY "Florida Friendly Landscape" trees/plants/shrubs, donated by Lindley's Nursery located in New Smyrna Beach, FL. After approximately 1 hour, the CSI Natural team had successfully set-up the booth with no issues. During set-up, every detail was assessed and decided upon as a team which strengthened the decision making process overall and identified CSI Natural as a team of trained professionals within the community.

Over the course of the day, most questions were specific to growing food in raised-bed gardens and/or choosing to leave a lighter carbon footprint by implementing sustainable landscaping solutions like dark brown mulch, recycled hardwood mulch, compost and soil amendment in order to reduce water consumption and improve the mechanical make-up of the native sandy conditions. CSI Natural was prepared for these questions and was able to chat-up creative solutions using only recycled materials. ALL of CSI Natural's products are made from sustainable feedstock(s) which result in a variety of valued-added products targeted towards reducing consumer costs when deciding upon which gardening and/or landscaping project(s) to take on next...

The most discussed vegetables among the attendees were specific to "Warm Season Crops" like tomatoes, bush beans, bell peppers, okra, summer squash and herbs. "Cool Season Crops" were on display as a last ditch effort to get mustard, lettuce and kale into the ground sooner than later in order to get one last harvest... There are great resources available for public consumption provided by University of Florida Extension Office in Volusia County for all topics of interest relating to gardening and "Florida Friendly Landscape".

CSI Natural strives very hard to help as many people as possible every day and part of the outlook is educating the community and raising awareness to the benefits of choosing a more sustainable lifestyle. One way we've been educating the local community is taking place within the local schools. CSI Natural put together a "Contribution Program" as a way to help educate Volusia County's youth. The New Smyrna Beach Middle School, New Smyrna Beach High School & The Elk's Lodge, Cormeth Methodist Church, Pre-School & VPK and Chisolm Elementary have all experienced the benefits of sustainable gardening practices.

Overall, It seemed clear to the community that having sustainable gardening and landscaping alternatives, produced locally, results in less spending and more value..

Featured Products:

CSI Natural and Lindley's Nursery in New Smyrna Beach working as a team and making a strong showing.
CSI Natural's Sales Rep, Allen Cloer, assisting a very interested local gardener.
Photo of CSI Natural Sales Reps addressing questions by attendees.
CSI Natural Sales Rep, Kevin Cloer, fields questions from Edgegwater's City Manager about Sustainability at the Municipal Level.
A photo of CSI Natural's Product Line Samples; Compost, Mulch & TopSoil.
CSI Natural - Producer to Natural TopSoil and Mulch within Central Florida.